Affiliation to ASA & WP Athletics
runAffiliation to ASA & WP Athletics

You will very seldom find a road run event which is not sanctioned by Athletics South Africa (ASA) and / or Western Province Athletics (WPA). The provincial and club structure for road and cross country running is well defined and controlled, making this the cheapest sport to participate in with the widest selection of events.
Affiliation to ASA is done through a Temporary License you purchase for each event or an annual license for the calendar year. In order to license for the year you have to belong to a running club. Application for a license can only be done through your club.
The day license is permitted at most events but you will require a full license to:
- Participate in some marathons and ultra-marathons like the Wineland’s Marathon and the Two Oceans Ultra.
- Win or place in your age category and win prize money at any event.
- Participate in club team competitions at any event.
- Be selected for the provincial team to represent WP at the National Championships.
- Participate in nationals in club colours (if you are not selected for WP).
- Obtain Provincial Colours.
The cost for a day license varies between R15 to R70, depending on the distance. The annual license for 2020 is R100. For Juniors the license fee is R30. This is how it works:
1) Join or Renew your ATC Running or ATC Multisport Membership (if required).
2) Purchase the license from our On-Line Shop. You pay ATC for the license (we purchase the licenses from WPA and keep stock)
3) Register or update your details for your license on-line at this address:
4) Download the Member Form from the above ASA website.
5) Print, Complete and Sign it! This is a new rule from ASA from 2017 onwards.
5) Email the form to or bring the form when you collect your license number from the ATC Container or the ATC Ranger at a training session.
There is an image and more detail on our Blog, explaining the process to be followed on
Club Vests
All affiliated clubs have to design club colours and register this with WPA. There are strict regulations in terms of where the club name and manufacturer’s labels must go. Although not absolutely compulsory it is highly recommended to race in the official club vest. If you do not race in club colours you are still bound by the same regulations with regards to manufacturer’s logos and are not allowed to display any sponsor’s branding. You also have to wear club colours to be eligible for prizes and selection as discussed above.
Useful Links:
Athletics South Africa - Western Province Athletics - ASA On-Line License Registration
This is a no brainer. If you will be doing more than 3 road races in 2018, get an ASA License. You get a number, which you use at most races. This is very convenient for most events as you can just pitch and pay for your entry, no need to fill out forms. The annual license for 2018 is R140. (R60 for Juniors)